The District Advance Fund is a resource to support growth and development of churches and circuits within the district as they seek to engage effectively in God’s mission.

The district is committed to encouraging and enabling circuits, churches and district projects to grasp mission opportunities by supporting them with grant aid where it is appropriate and possible.

The district advance fund is intended primarily for development rather than maintenance and is an example of the Methodist principle of connexionalism at work, whereby resources are shared in order to help and support imaginative mission focussed projects.

Applications can be submitted to the District Grants Committee using the details contained in the policy document.

The DAF Policy can be downloaded here:

DAF policy – Grants. Liverpool District

Personnel application form

Non-Personnel District

Warm Spaces

The District is providing small grants for up to £500 to help churches meet the cost of providing a warm space for people in their local neighbourhood.  The closing date for applications is 12 noon Friday 11th November 2022.

Warm Spaces Grant application – Liverpool District (2)