Our Approach to Safeguarding
Every person has a value and dignity which comes from the creation of male and female in God’s own image and likeness. We see this potential as fulfilled by God’s re-creation of us in Christ.
Among other things this implies a duty to value all people as bearing the image of God and therefore to protect them from harm.
Download Safeguarding Policy
Our Safeguarding Policy can be viewed or dowloaded here:
Safeguarding Policy for Liverpool Methodist District 2019
A Statement of Safguarding Principles can be viewed or downloaded here:
Liverpool District Safeguarding
Independent Chair: The Rev’d Karen Jobson
District Safeguarding Office: Ms Linda Locke
District Safeguarding Group: The Rev’d Dr Sheryl Anderson; The Rev’d Karen Jobson; Ms Linda Locke; Mrs Barbara Briddock; Mrs Melody Clarke; Mr Mark Harrison; The Revd Ian Hu; Ms Colette Ritson; Ms Gillian Downey.
Dates of Meetings
Safeguarding Contact
The Liverpool Methodist District Safeguarding Team aims to:
Safeguarding Advance Module Training
This four yearly training is mandatory for the following roles:
Presbyters, Deacons and Supernumary Ministers with active preaching/pastoral Ministry.
Circuit and Church Safeguarding Officers, Foundation and Refresher Module trainers, Local Preachers, Worship Leaders and those in paid or voluntary leadership roles which include direct contact with children, youth or vulnerable adults.
Registration 9.30am, training 10am to 3.30pm.
Priority will be given to the individual Circuit hosting training then opened up to the District if 25 places have not been filled from the date indicated below.
All bookings to be made with the District Administrator, Gillian Downey admin@liverpoolmethodist.org.uk
Safeguarding Advance Module Training Dates
The dates for 2019 are as follows:
May 23rd: Moor Lane Methodist Church, Moor Lane, Crosby, L23 2UH (open to District bookings from 16th May)
June 8th: Burscough Methodist Church, Orrell Lane, Burscough, Ormskirk, L40 0SG (open to District bookings 14th May)
July 11th: Trinity Methodist/C of E, Liverpool Road, Huyton, Liverpool, L36 3RF (open to District bookings 21st June)
September 21st: West Derby Methodist Church, Crosby Green, West Derby, Liverpool, L12 7JZ (open to District bookings 1st September)
October 12th: Farnworth Methodist Church, Derby Road, Widnes, Cheshire, WA8 9JX (open to District bookings 25th September)