If you would like to contact anyone below, please use the details on our contact page and we will put you in touch.
Liverpool Methodist District Who's Who
Title | Name |
Chair of District | The Rev’d Dr Sheryl Anderson |
Deputy Chair of District | The Rev'd Marie-Anne Kent |
District Executive Members | The Rev'd Dr Sheryl Anderson (Chair) Mr Steve Cooper Mr Graham Pegg Ms Gillian Downey |
Synod Secretary | Mr Graham Pegg |
Assistant Synod Secretary | To be confirmed (TBC) |
Resourcing Mission Group (RMG) Secretary | Mr Graham Pegg |
Presbyterial Synod Secretary | The Rev’d Phyl Fanning |
District Office | Ms Gillian Downey |
Connexional Representation | Methodist Council Representative - The Rev'd Marie-Anne Kent |
District Finance – Treasurer | Mr Steve Cooper |
District Advance Fund (DAF) Grants Committee Secretary | The Rev'd Helen Jobling |
CASAI (Church Action on Sexual Abuse Issues) – Lay Minister | Ms Col Ritson |
District Property & Manses Committee Secretary | Contact District Office |
District Lay Employment Sub-Committee – District Lay Employment Adviser | Mr Andrew Gillespie |
District Lay Stationing Representative | Mr Steve Cooper |
District Probationers Committee Secretary | The Rev’d Patrick Evans |
Complaints & Discipline and District Reconciliation Group | TBC |
District Learning & Development Group Secretary | The Rev’d Dr Christine Jones |
District Ecumenical Officer | TBC |
District Ministerial & Diaconal Sabbaticals Advisory Group Secretary | Mrs Jane Otterson |
District Safeguarding Officer | Mrs Linda Locke |
Upcoming Events
There are no upcoming events at this time.
District Office Contact Details
Email: admin@liverpoolmethodist.org.uk
Phone: 07442 164690